
1. In the article by Goodman, Bunnell and Posner, What is “community health”? Examining the meaning of an evolving field of public health, the authors make the case that community health remains hard to define. What are some of the reasons they provided to explain why this field of public health is so difficult to define? Can you propose a definition that addresses the difficulty discussed in the article? 

3. After reading County Health Rankings: 2020 Tennessee and exploring the Shelby County link in the County Health Rankings, answer at least one of the following questions:

a. What health priorities did you identify for Shelby County? 

b. How does health in Shelby County compare to health in the other densely populated TN counties (e.g., Davidson and Knox)?

c. What factors do you think contribute the most to health outcomes in Shelby county? What information did you use to determine these factors?

d. What are the four categories of “Health Factors” that influence how well and how long we live? Which of these categories does Public Health aim to address? (Hint: Review 2020 Tennessee Summary Report).

After reading the attached article “Thinking Globally, Acting Locally,”  answer the following questions. Please post your thoughts and respond to at least on other student’s comment.

1. Who or what entity is responsible for public health in the United States?

2. In regards to public health, what are the pros and cons of the federalist structure?