Snell, S. A., Konopaske, R., & Bateman, T. S. (2015). M: Management. McGraw-Hill Education. ISBN: 978007862596. Read chapters 1 & 2
Additional Resources:
Credible Web pages that explain who Elon Musk is, what he does, and how he does it. Credible Web pages that provide insights about whether good supervisors need to be able to do the work they supervise. Credible Web pages for firms that have gone through the IPO process in the last 12 months or are going through it now. (e.g.
Discussion Question
1: Middle-level managers are sometimes called tactical managers. They are located in the organization’s hierarchy below top-level management and above the frontline managers. Outline the main responsibilities of these managers. Then identify the responsibilities that are often performed poorly and provide your explanation for why this might be.