
Discussion Topic: Healthcare Disparities

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“For the purposes of this report, health disparities are differences that exist among specific population groups in the United States in the attainment of full health potential that can be measured by differences in incidence, prevalence, mortality, burden of disease, and other adverse health conditions” (NIH).

While the term disparities is often used or interpreted to reflect differences between racial or ethnic groups, disparities can exist across many other dimensions as well, such as gender, sexual orientation, age, disability status, socioeconomic status, and geographic location.

A complex and interrelated set of individual, provider, health system, societal, and environmental factors Links to an external site.contribute to disparities in health and health care.

There is a wealth of information regarding healthcare disparities in the US and globally, (below is just a sampling).

In this discussion, as NP scope of practice continues to expand and practice barriers are removed, consider the role that nurse practitioners can have in changing the impact of healthcare disparities on health outcomes. If NP’s have a pivotal role in changing the landscape of primary care, what strategies could you employ in practice to influence equity in health care.

Following your post, you will respond to 2 of your peers posts. Responses should be substantive, thoughtful and advance the discussion of the issues, ideas and questions that are raised.

Discussion Board Grading Rubric 

Buttaro (2021) Primary Care: Interprofessional Collaborative Approach – Chapter 5 (An Introduction to Health Care Disparities & Culturally Responsive Primary Care)

Healthy People 2030: Health Care DisparitiesLinks to an external site.

CDC: Health DisparitiesLinks to an external site.

Why Nurse Practitioners Are Pivotal in Health Equity Work Links to an external site. 

Racial Disparities in Health Care Links to an external site. 

Addressing Health Disparities in the LGBTQ CommunityLinks to an external site.

Health Inequalities in Old Age Links to an external site. 

Persons With Disabilities as an Unrecognized Health Disparity Population Links to an external site. 


Frontline: The Health Care Divide Links to an external site.Links to an external site.

TED Talk: Why Your Doctor Should Care About Social Justice


 . Can you please respond to one of my fellow student. and hopefully tomorrow I will post another one to respond. Total 2.” Throughout my nursing career, I have seen how socioeconomic factors have an impact on those affected by health disparities. Although we teach patients what to do in the regards to screening, prevention, or treatment measures it means nothing without also evaluating if they are experiencing factors to can cause challenges to our recommendations. For example, if a patient presents with uncontrolled diabetes, and we recommend a change to their medication, diet, and increase physical activity then we must also evaluate their lifestyle, insurance coverage, and affordability of food choices. Depending on these factors, the patient may need food assistance, a change to medication prescribed, and referrals to a nutritionist and social worker. Of course, we need to include cultural considerations as this plays a major role in the overall picture.As nurse practitioners we must advocate for our patients as much as possible. According to Heath (2020),Health inequities start with the social determinants of health, … how those social risk factors limit an individual’s ability to achieve wellness. Because traditionally underserved populations, like Black, Hispanic, and Indigenous populations, must contend with structural and cultural limitations to care and other resources, they adversely experience social determinants of health.There is alarming data that continues to prove that health disparities exist within certain ethnicities and communities. As nurse practitioners I believe we need to advocate through participating in policy change within the institution where we are employed, as well as with nursing organizations who are fighting to change legislation.  Although we are ready to help our patients clinically, we can except a greater change for our patients if the challenges are understood and support is provided on a greater scale.ReferencesHeath, S. (2020, July 22). Why nurse practitioners are pivotal in health equity work. Patient engagement HIT. to an external site. Reply


 this is the last response you have to make. Please include APA citations.”As Nurse Practitioners, we have an essential role in shifting the scene of “Healthcare Disparities” in primary care settings, mainly when providing care to and for the elderly population. Strategies that could employ in practice to influence equity in health care, such as providing better care to and for the elderly, include but are not limited to providing a better system for them so that they do not have to put into paying for their health once they get of a certain age. According to ( Allen, 2022) “Major incidents of ageism have been shown to be associated with poorer health and well-being among older adults. Less is known about routine types of age-based discrimination, prejudice, and stereotyping that older adults encounter in their day-to-day lives, known as everyday ageism”.The number and proportion of older persons in the United States is rapidly increasing. However, significant deficiencies are projected in the country’s capacity to deliver the medical, public health, and support services needed for the future. Fragile, ill, older population and the government is not providing sufficient in keeping people healthy late in life, and neither are they equipped to care for them. Signs of Progress are needed in fundamental directions central to the health and well-being of the older generation.Health Disparities are differences in any health-related factor. Disease burden, diagnosis, response to treatment, quality of life, health behaviors, and access to care, to name a few which, exist among the elderly population.Environmental factors such as residential segregation, discrimination, immigration, social mobility, work, retirement, education, income, and wealth can seriously impact health and well-being. Economic situations can regulate if an individual can afford quality health care and the appropriate nutrition from early into their old age. Individual and family financial resources as well as health insurance often limit whether an older adult enters an assisted living facility a nursing home or stays at home to be cared for by loved ones.According to (NIA Health Disparities Research Framework 2023) “to stimulate the study of environmental, sociocultural, behavioral, and biological factors that influence health disparities related to aging. Many of these factors are broad, complex, and interrelated. The causes of health disparities are dynamic and multidimensional, and to address them adequately, NIA will consider environmental, social cultural, behavioral, and biological factors. For this reason, NIA will use an integrative approach to motivating health disparities research related to aging”.As Nurse Practitioners I believe we will have the necessary tools that it takes to help and to advocate for them as they age”.