Write and submit via the online text box (no attachments) an essay wherein you decide the fate of the Western world, or Western reality, as it were. Be sure to proofread for spelling/grammar/typos, etc.
Decision #1: All is lost or all is found? Something less polarized? Something between unbridled optimism on the one hand, and the downward spiral of nihilism on the other? Decide.
The plural bases of your written judgment are the texts (e.g. print, aural, visual, etc.) we have reviewed to date, and your lived experience in the Western world. Reason your way from what you have read, seen and experienced toward a decisive conclusion for this assignment.
Decision #2: You must answer the question: What does the Western world become, given what it is, and what it has been? Evaluate, analyze and profile it in this assignment of formal expository prose.
The challenge is to call upon references from our assigned source texts to substantiate or at least, in part, help to substantiate your creative exposition.
You must engage and cite (i.e. in the style of MLA, APA, etc.) one dozen sources in the body of your essay: six from the Syllabus reading schedule (i.e. weeks 1-3) and six from the Research link. When in doubt: quote, analyze, reflect and discuss. Such a strategy will help to keep you on task for an assignment of this kind.
Valid sources are to be found only in the Research and Syllabus links. You may introduce other sources, but not at the expense of assigned sources, meaning anything you introduce would only add to the 12 assigned sources, but not replace them in any way.
Let me know if you have any questions
I will provide the references after matching: its either ideas from a movie or a book it has to be from the list provided