
I did not complete interviews with my principal and parent coordinator, but I would like you to write this summary as if I did.

  1. As educators, we like to talk about parental involvement, both as a necessity and an impossibility. Research indicates that parental involvement has an impact on school effectiveness. Interview a school principal and a parent coordinator regarding parental involvement. Use this opportunity to learn about a level at which you have not worked. For example, if you are a secondary educator or leader, choose to interview an administrator and parent coordinator of a primary or elementary school. Ask the following questions
    1. How involved are parents in your school? Give me three or more examples of how parents play an active role in classroom learning.
    2. Other than PTOs/PTAs, what other opportunities are available to parents of students in your school? How do the parents learn about opportunities in which they can be involved?
    3. What improvements could your school make to get more parents involved in educating their children?
    4. What are barriers to parental involvement in your school?
    5. How could you possibly eliminate barriers that hinder the active engagement of parents in the learning?
    6. Does the school adhere to its own policies regarding parental involvement? If so, give examples. If not, how could you lead efforts to improve parental involvement?
    7. What resources are available to parents?
    8. What programs can the school implement to assist parents in any way?

    Create a narrative (1-2 pages in length) sharing your findings from the two interviews. Note any differences in responses from the two positions interviewed. Include responses to the questions you formulated. In your paper, include at least two recommendations for the school to improve their parental involvement. Include any resources used in the narrative report.