
1.) In your own words:

  • Define the static magnetic field and the spatial gradient
  • Describe the danger associated with B(o) related to the spatial gradient

2.) List the materials that hazardous in Zone IV in the MRI environment

  • Provide an example that illustrates the danger of the B(o)
  • Be specific in your answer

3.)In your own words:

  • Discuss in detail how active and passive magnetic shielding is achieved
  • What is the purpose of magnetic shielding in clinical MRI?

4.) You stop a nurse who is about to enter zone IV with a pair of Kelly clamps that he has forgotten to remove from his pocket. List and describe:

  • The two forces the ferrous Kelly clamps will be exposed to as the nurse enters zone IV
  • What would occure if the nurse entered the room with the ferrous item in his pocket

5.) In your own words:

  • What is the B(1) field in clinical MRI?
  • What is SAR? How do we protect the patient from SAR issues?

6.) What are 3 ways a patient can receive an RF burn?

  • What is the difference between an RF burn and RF power deposition resulting in patient tissue heating

7.) In your own words:

  • Define the time MR Time-varying Gradient magnetic field. List and describe two dangers associated with the Time-varying Gradient Magnetic Fields (TVMF) DB/dt


  • List 3 different types of metal materials that are MRI conditional and may be brought into the zone IV – what are these objects made of?
  • List any 3 types of metal objects that are known to be MRI unsafe – what are these objects composed of that makes them MRI unsafe?
  • List any 3 items that may or may not be MRI unsafe? Describe the best practices for managing these types of metal in the MRI suite

9.) List and describe each of the zones of sequential screening and access control as outlined by the American College of Radiology (ACR) in the White Paper on MRI Safety

10.) List who and what is allowed in each of the 4 MRI safety zone and explain the significance of the 5 gauss line.