
History of Ancient Philosophy Short

Paper Instructions

I. Content and grading

1. Every paper must have a clearly defined thesis statement, an argument that

supports that thesis statement, supporting evidence, and relevant citations. 

2. It is possible that I may not assign a specific topic. If no topic is assigned, the topic

of the paper must relate to the material the class covered that week. Anything in the

reading or the discussion is fair game.

3. Advice: start the paper early; sketch out your ideas; make an outline; write several

drafts; share your drafts with your classmates.

4. Plagiarism of any kind will be result in an “F” for the class and a report to the Dean

of Students. For more information, see the handout on plagiarism and the syllabus.

Please note that a program given to us easily detects plagiarism: it will alert me to

any three word string your paper has in common with any other existing writing since

the dawn of time.

5. I will provide feedback for your papers. My feedback will include an overall grade, a

general comment, and comments on particular parts of the paper. I expect that you will

read these comments carefully. I welcome questions regarding this feedback, but I ask

that you wait at least 24