
Your first paper should summarize the position, on a matter of philosophical import, of a philosopher who lived between about 600 B.C. and 1350 A.D. This need not be a philosopher we have or will discuss in class. Due 2/8

  • Your second paper should summarize the views and critiques of a philosopher who revises, refutes, or otherwise disagrees with the philosopher in your first paper. Ideally, this philosopher should also have lived between about 600 B.C. and 1350 A.D., but exceptions may be approved on an individual basis. Due 3/7
  • Your third paper should present your own view on the matter addressed in your first two papers, as informed by and related to the views of the philosophers you summarized. Due 4/4
  • On the last day of regular class, you will hand in a final paper of approximately 2000 words. This should be typed in Times New Roman 12pt font, double-spaced, submitted via Canvas. Your name and page numbers should appear in the header and the paper should have a title.
  • The prompt for your final paper is to combine your three short papers into a single cohesive work, taking into account feedback from those short papers and adding appropriate introductory and concluding sections.
  • If you would like feedback on an early draft of your paper, I’m happy to provide that, but I will not assign provisional or “likely” grades and I will not look at drafts provided to me less than two weeks before the due date. Due 4/21