
Part-A:Case Study Max Marks-5

Read the Chapter Case Study “P&G Segments its Market along Multiple Dimensions” from Chapter No- 9 “Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning” Page: – 308 and 309 given in your textbook/E-book – “Marketing” (8th ed.) by Dhruv. Grewal and Michael Levy (2022) and answer the following Questions:

  • In addition to the list of options presented in this case, how else might a multinational, multibrand conglomerate like P&G segment its millions of customers?Use other ideas from the chapter to suggest other segmentation methods that could be used.
  • What are the other emerging segments of consumers that would be attractive for P&G, such that it might start developing new product lines to appeal to them?  

Part-B:Critical ThinkingMax Marks-10

Reading required: – Read Chapter 10, 11, 15 and 17 carefully and then answer the following questions based on your understanding.

  • Grocery chains such as Abdullah Al-Othaim Markets track consumers’ purchasing habits through store loyalty cards like Iktisab. These cards collect purchasing data and build consumer profiles. How can grocers like Abdullah Al-Othaim Markets use these data to create value for the firm and consumers?  Chapter-10
  • Identify a specific brand of your choice from the local market that has developed a high level of brand equity. What specific aspects of that brand establish its brand equity? Critically examine based on the concepts discussed in Chapter-11.  Chapter-11 
  • Coupons and rebates benefit different distribution channel members. Which would you prefer if you were a manufacturer, a retailer, and a consumer and why? Explain based on the concepts discussed in Chapter-15.Chapter-15 
  • Some argue that retailers can be eliminated from the distribution channel because they only add costs to the final product without creating any value-added services in the process. Do you agree with this viewpoint? Are consumers likely to make most purchases directly from manufacturers in the near future? Provide justification for your answers based on the concepts discussed in Chapter-17. Chapter-17