Assignment #1 (Recognition Speech)
Review Chapter 1-3 from the OER including watching the many videos. Imagine that you are a senior salesperson for a world class organization of which you are very proud. You joined the organization as a junior salesperson five years ago and you have done well, progressively improving each year. You have consistently exceeded your financial targets and your customers appreciate you as demonstrated by exceptional customer satisfaction reviews.
Last week you learned that you achieved the highest results of any salesperson in the firm that year. Your manager just called to announce that you will be recognized as the leading sales team performer in 2021 at the upcoming national sales annual kickoff meeting.
You are expected to deliver a five-minute acceptance speech at the event which will be attended by salespeople and representatives from all the other functions in the business (finance, operations, human resource management, information technology) as well as the company senior executives and a select few customers.
You have decided that your speech should describe how you feel about your job, the keys to your success, and that it should acknowledge and thank those who helped you achieve this great milestone.
Write a two paged single spaced draft version of your speech. Use your imagination. Consider reviewing any part of the OER text, any of the Selling Power video’s, or any other resource to discover what might have been keys to your success. Upload your two-page single-spaced speech as a .pdf file.