
Watch the first part of Race the Power of an Illusion. 

Develop a discussion that answers these questions: 

What in the film surprised you?

How did the film challenge or change any of your assumptions?  What challenged your previous ideas the most in watching this film?  What feelings did the film stimulate in you?

What were you confused about or need to know more about?

Having seen the film, how would you define race?  Racism?

B.         Personal Timeline 

Develop a discussion that answers these questions: 

When were you first aware of yourself as a member of a particular racial group?

When were you first aware of people from other races?  Which races?

When did you first witness or experience someone being treated differently because of his or her racial group?

When was a time you realized that YOU would be treated differently because of your race?

What is one other significant event in your life related to race or racism that you have not already discussed?