Differentiation and engagement are hallmarks of brain-based learning. Individuals’ brains are unique and, consequently, have different needs and require different forms of engagement to learn best. By recognizing unique configurations of the brain, as well as how best to meet the needs of various individuals in your professional setting, you will create a richer and more responsive learning environment. 

Part 1: Digital Presentation After attending a professional development conference as a representative for your team, the administration/management has asked you to disseminate the information you learned at the next staff/team meeting. Develop a 10-12 slide digital presentation for administration/management describing how differentiation and engagement, through brain-based learning, can be used in your current or future professional setting related to your program of study. In the presentation, include the following:

  • An introduction of yourself and the audience in your current or future professional setting that would benefit from this information 
  • What differentiation is and how it relates to brain-based learning in your professional setting 
  • At least two strategies to bring differentiated brain-based learning into your professional setting 
  • What engagement is and how it relates to brain-based learning in your professional setting 
  • Minimum of two strategies to enhance engagement through brain-based learning in your professional setting 
  • Presenters Notes for each slide

Support your presentation with 2-3 scholarly resources on a final slide.

Differentiation and Engagement Presentation – Rubric

Video Link 15 points

Criteria Description

Video Link

5. Target 15 points

Working video link included.

4. Acceptable 13.05 points


3. Approaching 11.1 points


2. Insufficient 10.35 points


1. Unsatisfactory 0 points

Video link does not work, no video link is included.

Collapse All

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Introduction 7.5 points

Criteria Description

5. Target 7.5 points

The introduction, including the audience that would benefit from the information, is


4. Acceptable 6.53 points

The introduction, including the audience that would benefit from the information, is


3. Approaching 5.55 points

The introduction, including the audience that would benefit from the information, is


2. Insufficient 5.18 points

The introduction, including the audience that would benefit from the information, is


1. Unsatisfactory 0 points

The introduction, including the audience that would benefit from the information, is

unrelated or not included.

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Di�erentiation 22.5 points

Criteria Description

5. Target 22.5 points

Includes a comprehensive description of what differentiation is and how it relates

to brain-based learning in the professional setting.

4. Acceptable 19.58 points

Includes a direct description of what differentiation is and how it relates to brain-

based learning in the professional setting.

3. Approaching 16.65 points

Includes an underdeveloped description of what differentiation is and how it relates

to brain-based learning in the professional setting.

2. Insufficient 15.52 points

Includes an unsuitable description of what differentiation is and how it relates to

brain-based learning in the professional setting.

1. Unsatisfactory 0 points

Fails to describe what differentiation is and how it relates to brain-based learning in

the professional setting.

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Di�erentiation Strategies 22.5 points

Criteria Description

5. Target 22.5 points

Provides innovative and thoughtful strategies to bring differentiated brain-based

learning into the professional setting.

4. Acceptable 19.58 points

Provides appropriate strategies to bring differentiated brain-based learning into the

professional setting.

3. Approaching 16.65 points

Provides general strategies to bring differentiated brain-based learning into the

professional setting.

2. Insufficient 15.52 points

Provides unfitting strategies to bring differentiated brain-based learning into the

professional setting.

1. Unsatisfactory 0 points

Strategies to bring differentiated brain-based learning into the professional setting

are not included.

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Engagement 22.5 points

Criteria Description

5. Target 22.5 points

Includes a comprehensive description of what engagement is and how it relates to

brain-based learning in the professional setting.

4. Acceptable 19.58 points

Includes a direct description of what engagement is and how it relates to brain-

based learning in the professional setting.

3. Approaching 16.65 points

Includes an underdeveloped description of what engagement is and how it relates

to brain-based learning in the professional setting.

2. Insufficient 15.52 points

Includes an unsuitable description of what engagement is and how it relates to

brain-based learning in the professional setting.

1. Unsatisfactory 0 points

Fails to describe what engagement is and how it relates to brain-based learning in

the professional setting.

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Engagement Strategies 22.5 points

Criteria Description

5. Target 22.5 points

Provides innovative and thoughtful strategies to enhance engagement through

brain-based learning in the professional setting.

4. Acceptable 19.58 points

Provides appropriate strategies to enhance engagement through brain-based

learning in the professional setting.

3. Approaching 16.65 points

Provides general strategies to enhance engagement through brain-based learning

in the professional setting.

2. Insufficient 15.52 points

Provides unfitting strategies to enhance engagement through brain-based learning

in the professional setting.

1. Unsatisfactory 0 points

Strategies to enhance engagement through brain-based learning in the professional

setting are not included.

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Language Use and Audience Awareness 7.5 points

Criteria Description

5. Target 7.5 points

Word choice is distinctive, creative and well-suited to purpose, discipline, scope,

and audience.

4. Acceptable 6.53 points

Word choice is reflective of the intended audience, uses a variety of appropriate

vocabulary, and communicates clearly.

3. Approaching 5.55 points

Some distracting inconsistencies or repetitions in word choice are present.

Language is generally appropriate for the targeted audience.

2. Insufficient 5.18 points

Inappropriate word choice is evident. Language is not reflective of the targeted


1. Unsatisfactory 0 points

Language and word choice contain several distracting errors that impede the

audience’s comprehension of content.

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Presentation 7.5 points

Criteria Description

5. Target 7.5 points

The submission is presented effectively, and all of the required elements creatively

contribute to the presentation of the concepts.

4. Acceptable 6.53 points

The submission is presented effectively and contains all of the required elements.

3. Approaching 5.55 points

The submission contains minor inconsistencies that are not overly distracting.

Presentation contains a majority of the required elements.

2. Insufficient 5.18 points

The submission is ineffective, contains multiple inconsistencies, or is missing a few

of the required elements.

1. Unsatisfactory 0 points

The submission is incoherent, contains major inconsistencies, is not presented

effectively, or is missing a substantial amount of the required elements.

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Professionalism 7.5 points

Criteria Description

5. Target 7.5 points

Appearance and manner exhibit a high degree of professionalism. The background

or environment of the video is superior and completely free of distraction.

4. Acceptable 6.53 points

Appearance and manner exhibit appropriate professionalism. The background or

environment of the video is appropriate and relatively free of distraction.

3. Approaching 5.55 points

Appearance or manner within the video is marginally professional. The background

or environment of the video detracts from the video message.

2. Insufficient 5.18 points

Appearance or manner within the video are lacking professionalism. The

background or environment of the video is distracting.

1. Unsatisfactory 0 points

Appearance or manner within the video is not professional, or the background or

environment of the video is inappropriate.

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Supporting Research and Documentation of Sources 7.5 points

Criteria Description

Uses appropriate designated style and formatting to document sources in citations

and references.

5. Target 7.5 points

Supporting research is compelling and thorough. Sources are completely and

correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of


4. Acceptable 6.53 points

Supporting research is credible and relevant. Sources are documented, as

appropriate to assignment and style, and format is mostly correct.

3. Approaching 5.55 points

Supporting research is minimal and somewhat inaccurate. Sources are

documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, although several minor

formatting errors are present.

2. Insufficient 5.18 points

Supporting research is limited or insufficient. Appropriate format is attempted, but

some elements are missing. Frequent errors in documentation of sources are


1. Unsatisfactory 0 points

Supporting research is not included or is irrelevant to the topic. Appropriate format

is not used.

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Mechanics of Writing 7.5 points

Criteria Description

Includes spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar, language use, sentence

structure, etc.

5. Target 7.5 points

Presentation and speaker’s notes are free of mechanical errors. Skilled control of

sentence structure is used throughout.

4. Acceptable 6.53 points

Presentation and speaker’s notes include a few mechanical errors. Suitable

sentence structure is used.

3. Approaching 5.55 points

Presentation and speaker’s notes include some mechanical errors. Inconsistencies

in sentence structure are recurrent.

2. Insufficient 5.18 points

Presentation and speaker’s notes include frequent and repetitive mechanical

errors. Flawed sentence structures are found throughout.

1. Unsatisfactory 0 points

Presentation and speaker’s notes include errors in grammar or syntax that are

pervasive and impede meaning. Incorrect sentence structure errors are found


Total 150 points

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