ANSWER EACH CASE STUDY. EACH CASE STUDY QUESTION SHOULD BE ANSWERED IN 225 WORDS EACH WITH REFRENCES! Textbook: Strategic Management: Theory & Cases: An Integrated Approach, by Charles W. L. Hill; Melissa A. Schilling; Gareth R. Jones, 14th Edition

MGMT435:7:Online Strategic Management and Planning

Case – Chapters 1 and 2

Chapter 1 – Closing Case T-Mobile’s Strategy Under John Legere – Page 33

Chapter 2 – Closing Case Southwest Airlines -  Page 69

Case – Chapter 3

Closing Case Competitive Advantage at Nordstrom

Please use APA-7 Format

CASE – Chapter 4 and 5

Chapter 4 – CLOSING CASE  Verizon

Chapter 5 – CLOSING CASE – Functional Strategy at Amazon

Case – Chapter 6

Chapter 6 – CLOSING CASE – The Rise of Internet Streaming Services and Decline in the Power of Cable Companies

Case – Chapter 7 and 8

CLOSING CASE – Tencent and WeChat – Chapter 7

CLOSING CASE – Geely Holdings – Chapter 8

CASE – Chapter 9

CLOSING CASE – Netflix in 2022 – Chapter 9 – Moodle Week 6

Case – Chapters 10 and 11

CLOSING CASE – Google’s Acquisition of ITA Software – Chapter 10

CLOSING CASE – Volkswagen: From the “People’s Car” to Dieselgate – Chapter 11

Case Chapter 12

CLOSING CASE – Organization at Microsoft – Chapter 12



Chapter 1 – Closing Case T-Mobile’s Strategy Under John Legere – Page 33

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Chapter 2 – Closing Case Southwest Airlines -  Page 69

A white paper with black text  Description automatically generated

Case – Chapter 3 Closing Case Competitive Advantage at Nordstrom

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Chapter 4 – CLOSING CASE  Verizon

A close up of a paper  Description automatically generated

Chapter 5 – CLOSING CASE – Functional Strategy at Amazon

A close-up of a paper  Description automatically generated

Chapter 6 – CLOSING CASE – The Rise of Internet Streaming Services and Decline in the Power of Cable Companies

A close up of a paper  Description automatically generated

CLOSING CASE – Tencent and WeChat – Chapter 7

1 What are some of the factors that led WeChat to attain an 80% market share in China? Do you think it could replicate that in other countries? If so, which ones?

2 Why do you think mobile payment systems are more ubiquitous in China than in Europe and the United States?

3.How does the dominance of WeChat and WePay in China help Tencent to become stronger in artificial intelligence?

CLOSING CASE – Geely Holdings – Chapter 8

Chapter 9 – Closing Case – Netflix Case in 2022 1. Why did Netflix enter original content production? 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages Netflix has for creating original content? 3. Do you think all streaming platforms should also be content producers? Why or why not? 4. How does integration of content and distribution benefit or hurt consumers? 

 CLOSING CASE – Google’s Acquisition of ITA Software – Chapter 10

1. What are the key resources or competencies Google can leverage in flight searches?

2. Why do you think ITA agreed to the deal? What are the advantages and disadvantages to ITA of being owned by Google?

3. Since Google doesn't charge booking fees, what do you think is its business model for its entry into flight searches? If you were a manager at another flight search company (eg., Expedia), how would you compete against Google?

CLOSING CASE – Volkswagen: From the “People’s Car” to Dieselgate – Chapter 11

3 It would conduct a worldwide probe to find out how the problem occurred and to hold the responsible parties accountable.

4 It would reassure the public that the vehicles were safe to drive.

5 It would develop fixes for all affected vehicles that used the 2.0-liter diesel engine.

6 It would review Volkswagen's compliance processes and standards and adopt preventative measures.

7 It would adopt regular and open communication systems with customers, dealers, employ-ees, and the public, including a designated hotline, website, and letters to each customer.

CLOSING CASE – Organization at Microsoft – Chapter 12

1.What were the advantages of Microsoft's matrix organization?

2. What were the disadvantages of Microsoft's matrix organization? How might this organizational form have negatively impacted the company?

3. What was Satya Nadella trying to achieve when he reorganized Microsoft after becoming
CEO in 2014? How successful has he been?

4. Is there still a need for coordination between businesses at Microsoft? How do you think the company achieves this?






