
Carefully read the article attached, then answer the questions below.

  • 1. What is the sentence superiority effect? Be sure to describe the different conditions needed to examine sentence superiority. 
  • 2. What is the visuospatial bootstrapping effect? Be sure to describe the different conditions needed to examine visuospatial bootstrapping. 

3. According to the introduction, briefly explain why the prior effects indicate an interaction between short-term memory (STM) and long-term memory (LTM)?

4. According to the introduction, what approach do the authors say they use to understand if the hippocampus is necessary for STM/LTM integration (e.g., what is the study’s approach)? Briefly, what does this approach entail?

5. In the Experiment 1 results, (a) did the size of the sentence superiority effect differ between amnesic patients and normal control subjects? Think: what variable’s main effect or interactions between variables would answer this question? (b) Report the ANOVA results that support this conclusion (e.g., F(df1, df2) = X, p = Y).

6. In the Experiment 1 results, (a) did the size of the sentence superiority effect differ between amnesic patients with damage limited to the hippocampus (H) and those whose MTL damage extended beyond the hippocampus (H+)? (b) Report the ANOVA results that support this conclusion (e.g., F(df1, df2) = X, p = Y).

7. What do the Experiment 1 results suggest about the necessity of the hippocampus and MTL cortex for observing the sentence superiority effect?

8. In the Experiment 2b results, (a) did the size of the visuospatial bootstrapping effect differ between amnesic patients and normal control subjects? (b) Report the ANOVA results that support this conclusion (e.g., F(df1, df2) = X, p = Y).

9. In the Experiment 2b results, (a) did the size of the visuospatial bootstrapping effect differ between amnesic patients with damage limited to the hippocampus (H) and those whose MTL damage extended beyond the hippocampus (H+)? (b) Report the ANOVA results that support this conclusion (e.g., F(df1, df2) = X, p = Y).

10. What do the Experiment 2 results suggest about the necessity of the hippocampus and

MTL cortex for observing the visuospatial bootstrapping effect?

11. From the General Discussion, (a) summarize the domain-specific theories of

hippocampal function the authors discuss on p. 278, and (b) name and provide an example of the associations important for these theories.

12. What do the results of these studies suggest about extending the domain-specific

theories to the binding of information across STM and LTM (STM-LTM integration) and why? (Hint: this can be answered in one sentence)

13. In the General Discussion, what two memory models do the authors discuss in relation to their own results?

14. Your textbook distinguishes between lesion studies using the single case, group, and multiple-case approaches.  Which approach, or perhaps combination of approaches, did this study use?