University of Phoenix Cultural Identity Reflection Paper

Description Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word self-reflection paper listing and describing the implicit and explicit factors impacting your individual identity. Ensure your paper:  Identifies cultural identity factors about yourself  Discusses cultural identity...

Law Question

Description T Law Essay Writing. Choose One topic from given 4 

Week4 cpss332

Question Description I’m working on a criminal justice discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. Consider your own personal cultural identity. What are some of your cultural factors that are readily apparent to others? What are...

Case Activity School Shootings Essay

Description Question 1: Traits or Learned Behavior After an event like the Majory Stoneman Douglas school shooting, communities often look for traits, behaviors and warning signs that might have predicted future violent behavior. Using the course content, answer the...

juvenile correctional facility

Description In a 1-2 page paper, imagine you are in charge of policy at a juvenile correctional facility. You only have limited room and have to release some offenders. Considering all your juvenile offenders are of the chronic variety, how would you decide which...